I’m still here, CONTACT is now working! (?)

Wow what a few years we’ve had!
I’m still in the Portland Oregon market. I’ve been wanting to return to the LA market for some years, but have been stymied by funds, Covid and insane gas prices (Thanks Brandon!) .. so for now here I stay.
I’m still doing occasional projects as well as working on polishing up my voice impersonations and improvisations.

I recently discovered that my CONTACT page was not working. Ever. >:(  .. I thought it was. So sorry! It is NOW working so please DO use it if you wish to contact me!

If you do not hear back from me immediately, please use Casting Networks to contact me.

Starting Fresh .. again



I’m presently still in the Portland Oregon market where I’ve been keeping busy with appearances in 

Bad Samaritan, Featured roles in The Librarians, appearances in the final season of Grimm, some Indie films and more.
Please feel free to check out my updated Reel section and Resume.
I’m happy to see some projects move out of Post Production and onto my IMDB credit list.

I also look forward to returning to the LA market ASAP (when funds allow!)

In the meantime I remain ready to review and book for your project! Hit that CONTACT button and let’s have lunch! 

Keeping Busy

I’m actively seeking roles, I have recently had background roles and principal roles. I’m working on a new voice character reel. I’ve had a number of roles where I’m a featured person. I am waiting for footage and when I have it together I’m working to put together a better reel than the one that currently exists.
I have had so many working roles lately I haven’t had time to update my resume lately, but will do so soon.

Where’s my reserved Star space?


Eric Sahlstrom

I am currently seeking acting work and representation!